Five weeks in a prison, I made no friends 身陷囹圄達第五個禮拜,我的社交生活歸零。

There's more time to be done but I've got a week to spend 看來還得蹲得更久,但我有一個禮拜的時間可以出來透透氣。

I didn't pay much attention first time around 剛開始我完全沒意識到,

Now you're hard not to notice, right here in my town 但你現在很難不注意,在我的這座小鎮

Where the stage of my old life meets the cast of the new 這座我過去生活的舊舞台,出現了全新的腳色。

Tonight's actors, me and you 今晚隆重登場的主角,就是你跟我。


Each day is taking us closer 每一天都讓我們越走越近,

While drawing the curtains to close 直到幕落下的那一刻,

This far or further, I need to know 我得搞清楚,究竟是就此告終還是未完待續?

Your increasingly long embraces 你那長得不自然的擁抱,

Are they saying, sorry or please? 是想傳達歉意還是索求?

I don't know what's happening, help me  我搞不懂現在是怎麼一回事,拜託救我!


Through the streets, in the corners, there's a scent in the air 整條街道、甚至街角,空氣中飄著某種氣息。

I ask you out and I lead you, I know my way around here 我邀你出去,我來帶路,這附近我熟得很。

There's a bench I remember, and on the way there I find 那裏有張長椅,我記得。在走去的途中,我發現了一件事,就是

That the movements you're making are mirrored in mine 你的一舉一動都成了我的鏡子。

And your hand is held open intentionally 你的手是故意伸開來的吧?

Or just what I want to see?  還是說我只看到我想看的?


Your increasingly long embraces 你那長得不自然的擁抱

Are they saying sorry or please? 是想傳達歉意還是索求?

I don't know what's happening, help me 我搞不懂現在是怎麼一回事,拜託救我!

I don't normally beg for assistance 我不常向人求救的,

I rely on my own eyes to see 我相信眼見為憑,

But right now they make no sense to me 但如今我的雙眼已經不能為我解釋什麼了。

Right now you make no sense to me 現在的你真的讓我完全摸不著頭緒!



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