The Ballad of John and Yoko 約翰與洋子之歌
Standing in the dock at Southampton 駐足於南安普頓的碼頭,
Trying to get to Holland or France 心想前往荷蘭或者法國。
The man in the mac said, "you've got to go back" 一個穿著雨衣的男人說,「你們得回去了。」
You know they didn't even give us a chance 你看吧,他們只會給我們潑冷水。
Christ! You know it ain't easy 老天!你知道這並不簡單,
You know how hard it can be 你知道這該有多艱苦。
The way things are going 再這樣下去,
They're going to crucify me 我遲早會被他們給釘到十字架上去。
Fin'lly made the plane into Paris 好不容易搭上飛機抵達了巴黎,
Honeymooning down by the Seine 沿著塞納河度我們的蜜月。
Peter Brown called to say 經紀人彼得布朗來電說,
"You can make it OK 「事情可以搞定,
You can get married in Gibraltar near Spain" 你們可以在直布羅陀結婚,在西班牙附近。」
Christ! You know it ain't easy 老天!你知道這並不簡單,
You know how hard it can be 你知道這該有多艱苦。
The way things are going 再這樣下去,
They're going to crucify me 我遲早會被他們給釘到十字架上去。
Drove from Paris to the Amsterdam Hilton 我們又從巴黎驅車前往阿姆斯特丹的希爾頓飯店,
Talking in our beds for a week 在床上口沫橫飛了一個禮拜。
The newspapers said, "Say what're you doing in bed" 新聞記者說:「解釋一下你們在床上幹嘛?」
I said. "We're only trying to get us some peace" 我說:「我們只是想試著取得一點安寧。」
Christ! You know it ain't easy 老天!你知道這並不簡單,
You know how hard it can be 你知道這該有多艱苦。
The way things are going 再這樣下去,
They're going to crucify me 我遲早會被他們給釘到十字架上去。
Saving up your money for a rainy day 把錢存起來,以未雨綢繆
Giving all your clothes to charity 但你所有的衣裳則全捐作慈善,
Last night the wife said 昨天晚上老婆跟我說,
"Oh boy, when you're dead, 「孩子啊,人一死
you don't take nothing with you but your soul." 什麼也帶不走,除了你的靈魂。」
Think! 清醒點!
Made a lightning trip to Vienna 跑去維也納來一場快閃旅行,
Eating choc'late cake in a bag 躲在布袋裡吃著巧克力蛋糕。
The newspapers said 新聞報導說,
"She's gone to his head 「她把他迷到昏頭了,
They look just like two Gurus in drag" 他們倆根本像是人妖裝扮的宗教大師。」
Christ! You know it ain't easy 老天!你知道這並不簡單,
You know how hard it can be 你知道這該有多艱難。
The way things are going 再這樣下去,
They're going to crucify me 我遲早會被他們給釘到十字架上去。
Caught the early plane back to London 趕著早班飛機回到倫敦,
Fifty acorns tied in a sack 麻布袋裡裝著五十顆橡實。
The men from the press said "We wish you success 記者大哥們說:「誠心祝福你們事業成功,
It's good to have the both of you back" 您倆能回來真是太好了。」
Christ! You know it ain't easy 老天!你知道這並不簡單,
You know how hard it can be 你知道這該有多艱苦。
The way things are going 再這樣下去,
They're going to crucify me 我遲早會被他們給釘到十字架上去
The way things are going 再這樣下去,
They're going to crucify me 我遲早會被他們給釘到十字架上去!