
<Wild Mountain Thyme>

圖片來源 : https://lapioggiaelavela.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/purpleheather3.jpg


這首著名的蘇格蘭民謠,又叫<Purple Heather>、<Will ye go, lassie, go>。

追本溯源,其原型來自十八世紀的蘇格蘭詩人Robert Tannahill (1774-1810)的作品<The Braes of Balquhither>,描寫Balquhither的山坡風光。


The Braes of Balquhither

Let us go, lassie, go

To the braes o' Balquhither,

Where the blae-berries grow

'Mang the bonnie Highland heather;

Where flie deer and the rae

Lightly bounding together,

Sport the lang summer day

On the braes o' Balquhither.

I will twine thee a bower,

By the clear siller fountain,

And I'll cover it o'er

Wi' the flowers o' the mountain;

I will range through the wilds,

And the deep glens sae dreary,

And return wi' their spoils.

To the bower o' my deary.

When the rude wintry win'

Idly raves round our dwelling,

And the roar of the linn

On the night breeze is swelling,

So merrily we'll sing,

As the storm rattles o'er us,

'Till the dear sheeling ring

Wi' the light lilting chorus.

Now the summer is in prime,

Wi' the flowers richly blooming,

And the wild mountain thyme

A' the moorlands perfuming;

To our dear native scenes

Let us journey together,

Where glad innocence reigns

'Mang the braes o' Balquhither.

到了二十世紀,由蘇格蘭音樂世家出身的Francis McPeake編寫歌詞,將這首歌獻給他的妻子。1955年,才經由他的姪子(同叫Francis McPeake)錄製播出。 


The Brybs, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Rod Stewart....等歌手都翻唱過。

Wild Mountain Thyme

Oh, the summer time is coming,

And the trees are blooming,

And the wild mountain thyme

Grows around the blooming heather.

Will you go, lassie, will you go?


And we'll all go together

To pull wild mountain thyme

All around the blooming heather,

Will you go, lassie, go?


I will build my love a bower

By yon clear and crystal fountain,

And all around the bower,

I'll pile flowers from the mountain.

Will you go, lassie, will you go?


If my true love, she won't have me,

I will surely find another

To pull wild mountain thyme

All around the blooming heather.

Will you go, lassie, will you go?


Oh, the summertime is coming

And the trees are blooming

And the wild mountain thyme

Grows around the blooming heather.

Will you go, lassie, will you go? 



 Bob Dylan 版本 (音色柔和到完全無法相信這是鮑伯大叔的聲音XD) 


Rod Stewart 版本 (不知道在熱血什麼~有激勵人心的氛圍XD)


Dame Darcy & Dennis Driscoll 版本 (民謠還是輕快俏皮的可愛:) )





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